So this is my first attempt at blogging. Just a pre warning... don't get your hopes up to high!! I am going to try and do my best to keep up with this and make it interesting as possable.
Don't judge me on these first few posts because I am still not sure how all of it works quite yet!
I really want to do this as a way to journal about my pictures and remember all the precious memories with my family as I can. I forget all the little things so quickly and Sally is growing up so incrediable fast!
Also I love to read and see pics from all of you too on your blogs because we may be far apart but at least I can keep up with you some how.
If you have any cool little tricks please pass them along!!
12.31.19 Scottsdale Getaway
5 years ago
Looks great Amy! Look forward to reading it!
Strong work Amy! I'm really struggling with motivation to work now, wish I was still in the mountains. Thanks for the short diversion!